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【学术报告第九十九讲】Lee E. Babiss 博士(Gotham Therapeutics Corp首席执行官)

报告题目:Senescent Cells and Ageing

报 告 人:Lee E. Babiss 博士(Gotham Therapeutics Corp. 首席执行官

    间:201794 9:30




2017-至今        美国Gotham Therapeutics Corp. 首席执行官

2012-至今        重庆大学药学院(创新药物研究中心)访问教授

2012-2015    重庆市两江新区生物医药产业发展特聘专家

2011-2017   美国X-Rx Inc. 首席执行官

2010-2014   PPD公司的首席战略官及全球实验室服务执行副总裁

1998-2009   罗氏公司(Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.)的全球药物研究总裁及董事

1991-1998   葛兰素-史克公司(GSK Inc.)担任生物科学和遗传学副总裁

1987-1995   美国洛克菲勒大学分子细胞生物学系担任助理教授和副教授

1984年-1987    美国洛克菲勒大学(The Rockfeller University)从事博士后研究

1984                 获得哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)博士学位

1978                  获得克拉克大学(Clark University)学士学位



As people age, scientists have noted that populations of senescent cells accumulate in many organs in our body. Initially such cells were thought to be benign. However, new data is revealing the very dramatic role that these cells play in accelerating our ageing and the occurrence of a wide variety of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Heart disease and Osteoporosis, to name a few. The focus of my talk will be to convince you that senescent cells play a significant role in human ageing and that new therapies are being tested in animal models that show improvement in longevity. If such can translate to humans, then it is possible that we will not only live longer, but we will also have a higher quality of life as we age. Many questions still need to be addressed regarding how to stay ahead of the formation of senescent cells and whether prophylactic treatments could clear such cells before they fully develop into a pathogenic state.  Finally, safety issues and the potential emergence of cancers needs to be considered.


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